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Skorstensspecialisten utökar samarbetet med Tectyl – Valvoline


Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Idag för Skorstensspecialisten och Tectyl samtal kring ett ännu djupare samarbete kring deras produkter och tjänster. Skorstensspecialistens koppling till racing-verksamheten inom Prosport, tack vare detta samarbete får Skorstenspeclisten en ännu bättre utväxling i sin marknadsföringen.

Läs gärna mer om vår partner nedan.

Proven rust Prevention around the world since 1930The Tectyl brand of protection products is owned by Ashland Consumer Markets (Valvoline) in the Europe, Middle East and African (EMEA) region. Consumer Markets, a commercial unit of Ashland Inc., is one of the largest independent international oil companies in the world with sales and operations in more than 100 countries.
In EMEA, Consumer Markets produces a comprehensive range of Tectyl rust preventive products and lubricants for automotive and industrial applications. Through extensive market research, product development and quality control we can supply exactly the right Tectyl product for almost every kind of preservation process. Providing customer solutions is the key to qualityTectyl protective coatings exhibit strong adhesive properties with metal surfaces, in turn forming an active polar binded rust preventive barrier. Tectyl products are engineered for short- or long- term protection, as well as indoor or outdoor exposure. They are designed to help metal surfaces resist the effects of moisture, salt spray and even harsh corrosives.
These properties have resulted in many types of Tectyl products which are multi-functional in their performanceTectyl products are formulated in a variety of coating types from thin, clear coatings and heavy-duty wax, to black bituminous products. Some are available in non-solvent or waterborne formulations for conditions where products with a high solvent content are not permitted for environmental, health or safety reasons. The Tectyl product range also includes a sound-damping product line called V-damp, which is a line of viscoelastic, sprayable liquid sound dampers with applications in various industries where metal vibrations need to be reduced. Whether it is anti-corrosion or sound damping, Tectyl is a globally recognized brand in industries such as:Passenger car OEM, truck and bus OEM, and railwayMilitary, spare parts, container and power generationGeneral industrial manufacturing, concrete industryFor more than 85 years, customers around the world have chosen the Tectyl brand for innovative solutions, service and expertise – making Tectyl products the driving force in rust protection.The driving force in rust protection!
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